NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN FOR THIS QUARTER Volunteer Award – Big Thank You Nominations for any Volunteer (including Officials and Coaches) that goes over and above in supporting the Club’s activities.’ Athlete Award – Harriers Hero ‘Nominations will be based on any athlete who has made a significant achievement in the…

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Quarterly Award Winners

On Monday 20th May our quarterly award winners were announced. A huge congratulations to the ‘Big Thank You’ winner Colin Glencorse and the ‘Harriers Hero’ winner Ellie Anderson. Information on nominating for the next quarter will be out soon.

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Dumbarton 10k

Five runners from the club took on the Dumbarton 10k on Thursday night, part of the Babcock series of races,  in warm conditions. Amanda Bryden (48.35), Jacqueline McConnell (46.30), Michelle Goldie (48.51) and Jackie Duncan (54.18) all took part for the ladies with Connell Drummond (38.18) and Mark Lyden (59.30) representing…

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