SAIL_R1_2019_PM_Points_M_SAIL_R1_2019_PM_Points_F_Attached is the positions of the teams ( unofficial and subject to scrutiny ) after the first meet .Impressive start mainly by the boys teams .One thing we need to focus on is filling events and avoiding penalties (SAIL points system is lowest is best ) but at the same…

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SAIL_R1_2020_PM_Females__SAIL_R1_2020__PM_Males_Last Sunday saw the first round of this winters indoor lea_gue meets at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow This saw the club represented by teams from Under 11s through to Under 20s .The youngsters as always did the club proud with tremendous performances from all the young athletes, many competing…

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Scottish Athletics Conference- 23rd November

Scottish Athletics will be hosting their annual Clubs Conference at the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow on Saturday 23rd November. This is a good event to hear what Scottish Athletics are doing and what other clubs are doing.  There are several guest speakers and this year the Hawkins family, including Calum,…

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A sunny but breezy Cumbernauld was the venue for the National Cross Country Relays on Saturday. The star of the show was undoubtedly Callum Hawkins who ran the third leg for Kilbarchan, fresh from finishing 4th in the Marathon at the World Championships in Doha. 6 men and 4 ladies…

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2019natxcryoungmaleprovisionalresults_2019natxcryoungfemaleprovisionalresults_Saturday saw the climax of the cross country relays with the National Champs at Cumbernauld. Once again the event was held in bright sunshine The young harriers who represented the club all ran outstandingly well .Please see attatched results from the young female and young male races

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West District Relays 2019

After a week of heavy rain, the sun came out leading to ideal cross country conditions for the runners at the West District Relays in Kilmarnock on Saturday. The ladies managed to field two full teams and after claiming 2nd place at the George Cummings relays last week, the team…

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