In recognition of the tremendous performances by the young Harriers earlier in the year with six team qualifying for the ( sadly cancelled ) SAIL finals The club have been nominated for Team Performance of the Year Congratulations as well to Olivia Warboys and Ross Mitchell who have both been…

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Indoor Access – COVID 19 Update

Kilmarnock Harriers AC have been working in partnership with Easy Ayrshire Leisure to allow use of the indoor hall at the AAA. As part of this usage, there are a number of restrictions in place to ensure we meet the guidance provided by the Scottish Government, sportscotland and scottishathletics. Coaches…

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The Valley Dash 2020 Results

What a difference a year makes! Nataliya Petkova finished last years race in last place (by a fair margin) but 12 months later she romped home in first place knocking 3 minutes off her previous time. Proof positive what  a good club, decent coaching and a dose of determination can…

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Training Update

The guidance for adult training has now been relaxed to allow: Adults (18+) groups may now contain 1 coach and 12 athletes Adults must still socially distance before and after the training session. Further to this adult groups will now be able to meet at the arena instead of the…

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6pm, under 11 Group – Monday & Wednesday

The club are changing the start time for the Under 11 group coached by James Adams and Natasha Kerr. This group are meeting at 6pm at present. On Wednesday 19th August the group will move back to the normal club start time of 7pm. James and Natasha will let all…

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