Covid 19 – January Lockdown

Happy New Year to all our members, coaches and parents/ guardians. The Scottish Government updated their restrictions across all of Scotland, with the introduction of a lockdown, similar to the first lockdown in March 2020. This has a direct impact on the club delivery of athletic coaching. During the lockdown…

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What’s going on ………..

Want to know what we are working on to “Make the Harriers Great”? Trustees and committee members met via Zoom recently to discuss items on the Club development plan.  We thought we’d share some of these items with you to let you know what is going on in the background…

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Christmas Handicap Results

50 runners competed for the club Christmas Handicap over the weekend  and by all accounts a good time was had by all. This was our first visit to Craufurdland Estate for the event and it proved to be a popular venue, helped no doubt by some unseasonably favourable weather. For…

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Christmas Handicap Update

Due to the popularity of particular start times on Saturday, to avoid traffic congestion I would like to suggest the following :- Parents / coaches from Susan Ballantyne / Graham Cairns Group park at Craufurdland with a view to starting between 9.15 to 9.30. Kenny Wales group park at Fenwick…

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Update on Covid Restrictions

The Scottish Government have given us an update on the level at which East Ayrshire are moving to on Friday at 18.00hrs. After this time we are in Level 3 again. So what does this mean for our members? Travel Adults, 18 years or older, should not travel into East Ayrshire…

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Travel Advice Update

Further to the previous update in regards to the travel to and from organised sport, the club have received an update from scottishathletics. The changes mean that no member should travel out with their local authority are whilst in Tier 4 restrictions. This will preclude all athletes from North and…

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Travel in Tier 4

scottishathletics have updated their guidance to clubs in relation to athletes travelling to training in a Tier 3 or 4 area. The change now allows athletes to travel up to five mile from the border of their own local authority area. Given the location of the AAA in relation to…

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