Christmas Handicap Results – Mon 13th Dec

Results from the Christmas Handicap run on a dry calm crisp December night. Great turnout with almost 60 runners , finishing closely together and testing the results recorders to the max. Thanks to all athletes, marshals and results assistance. Christmas Handicap Mon 13 Dec 2021- Net time order Christmas Handicap…

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Covid Update

As many of you will have seen in the news in recent days, the new variant of Covid is causing concern for the government and health boards. Kilmarnock Harriers AC will always follow the latest guidance and will react very quickly to changes in restrictions going forward. In order to…

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Christmas Handicaps

Our Christmas Handicaps will be as followsMonday/ Wednesday Juniors Monday 13th December Tuesday/ Thursday Juniors Tuesday 14th December These will be held on the Carron Avenue course ( approximately 2000m )Juniors can you please bring a wrapped secret Santa gift to the approximate value of £3 This event is suitable…

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Code of Conduct update

The Club has adopted a new Code of Conduct for all members – so that includes athletes (senior and junior), coaches and volunteers.  A copy can be found at- codes-of-conduct-booklet.pdf (, and also on the Policies page of the website.  There are different, although broadly similar, codes for all types…

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Ruby Young 5k Race Results

Results from today’s Ruby Young 5k race, sponsored by Monarch Financial Services are below. Despite a pretty miserable weather forecast the rain wasn’t quite as bad as forecast and we had 99 finishers in the 5k race , held shortly after a good turnout and plenty of costumed participants in…

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