Rowallan Rosebowl 2022 Results

I recon that tonight’s Rowallan Rosebowl  must be in the top 5 of warmest events in the 89 years of its existence. However the heat did not deter the 9 teams of 4 mixed ability runners who took on the challenge. First home was team J made up of Colin…

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The Rowallan Rosebowl – Thursday 11th August

Your chance to mark your place in history!  For over 80 years, members of Kilmarnock Harriers have been competing to get their name engraved on the historic Rowallan Rosebowl trophy.  You will have the chance to achieve this for yourself on Thursday 11th August when we run the race from…

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Senior Race Round Up 4th July 2022

How can it possibly be July already!?  Roon the Toon feels like a lifetime ago, but our senior and U20 athletes have not let up at all in the second half of June into July and there is a whole new batch of good news and outstanding results to report…

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Sunday’s CSSAL Meeting

CSSAL 2022 Division 1 Match 3 Provisional Results V1Sunday saw the 3rd and final match of this seasons CSSAL held at Scotstoun The team went into this last meet in a strong position having finished first in both the first two matches .But the overall result was still in doubt…

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