Hill Racing Season starts in earnest.

The second Bog and Burn race of the season took place at Kaim Hill in Fairlie, by Largs. Another windy wet night, the race reverted to the traditional route, and lived up to the billing, being very squelchy on the summit plateau. It was a great night for Kilmarnock Harriers,…

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Annual membership fees

  Club membership fees are now due and details are attached To update our membership records all members are asked to complete a membership form .  Copies are available for completion at the registration team on Club nights and will be available on the website shortly. We are pleased to…

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Having a fling!

Being a postie, I am used to getting up early and spending a lot of time on my feet. Saturday was to be no different, alarm going off a 3.45am, bowl of corn flakes, caffeine intake, work clothes on and out into the dark of the morning. But Saturday was…

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The Valley Dash (new venue)

The first club handicap race of the year  – The Valley Dash –  will be held on Tuesday 13th May at the running track in Barmill Rd, Galston. The Race starts at 7.00pm but I need all runners to be at the start no later than 6.45 to finalise handicaps…

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Fling Bling

A year on from our debut 5th place in the Highland Fling relay we returned, this year with 2 teams. Killie Highlanders (Male team) and Killie Crocks (mixed Team). But first the real heroes – the solo runners from the Club in the event – Jim Connelly (143rd in 10.31),…

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Dumfries Information and Membership renewals

The bus for Dumfries will leave the AAA at 8.15. on Sunday morning. The cost of the bus is £5 Events are £2 each for pre-entered events and £3 each for non pre-entered events.       Membership forms are now available at registration. Forms and fees are due by the 31st May. If renewals are…

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Galston Cairn Race

As part of the 150th anniversary of Galston becoming a Borough, Galston Community Council and Kilmarnock Harriers are organising a 10k race from Portland Park in Galston to The Gallowhill Cairn and back. The race is being held on Saturday 10th May at 12.00 noon. Entry is available on the…

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London Marathon 2014

On Sunday April 13th 2014 along with over 35,000 other athletes including another Kilmarnock duo, I toed the line at Blackheath for the start of the Virgin London Marathon. This was my 10th Marathon in total ( 2nd time running London) and my pre race build up had been pretty…

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