The Rowallan Rosebowl – Thursday 23rd July

Your chance to mark your place in history!  For over 80 years, members of Kilmarnock Harriers have been competing to get their name engraved on the historic Rowallan Rosebowl trophy. You will have the chance to achieve this for yourself on Thursday 23rd July when we run the race from…

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Membership, registration & Fire Drill

Yes, some unrelated subjects! Membership – a reminder that annual membership fees are due by the end of June.  At present we have just over 250 members paid their fees- thanks, this compares to over 400 last year, so if you’ve not paid please do so ASAP. Registration – you…

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7 Men Run On Fathers Day

On Fathers Day (21 June 2015), The Mens 10K was hosted in Glasgow and took a route around the City. Starting at The Riverside Museum (Glasgow Museum of Transport) this went past the SECC Exhibition hall on to St. Vincent Street up on to the Kingston Bridge Crossing the M8…

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Next Summer Championship Race

The next race in the Summer Road Running Championship is a short distance race, (each athlete must compete in at least one of each short, medium & long distance for 7 races to count), Garscube Foodbank 5 miles which takes place next Saturday, 20th June. To enter this you need only to bring…

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Harriers Summer Night Out 2015!

A night out is being organised on Saturday 27th June at the Rock Hard Cafe. Anyone wishing to go please pass your name on to either Ian Sloan or Scott Martin & let them know if you want to go for a meal or just meet for drinks. There’s an 80’s disco….Neon….downstairs!!

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Valley Dash – Postscript

Those folks who participated in the Valley Dash will remember that we had a collection in the pub to help the victims of the Nepal earthquake. The proceeds were passed to club member and long time Nepal fundraiser, Matt Dodds. Attached here is a note of thanks from Matt giving…

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Hill Running Update

The hill running season is in full swing with events on midweek and weekends – just about often enough for our hill specialist Roddy Pugh. Results from Kilmarnock runners over the past few weeks are below.  Charles had a great run at Goatfell finishing in 16th position, and has followed…

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