We as a club are expected to provide officials to enable a meeting to go ahead and many thanks to the parents who have helped at the recent indoors and at events in the past BUT we know need to look at providing graded officials .Graded officials are a must not only to ensure procedures are carried out correctly but without them your time, throw, jump is NOT officially regonised nor valid for the Power of 10. With this in mind and the summer season rapidly approaching i have located some officials courses being held locally in the next couple of months
Saturday 4th February Level1 Field 10am till 2pm Emirates Arena Glasgow
Followed by Health and Safety 2.30 till 4pm
Sunday 5th March Level1 Track 10am till 2pm Emirates Arena Glasgow
Followed by Health and Safety 2 30 till 4pm
Wih our intentions to enter 2 leagues this Summer ( To try and give the opportunity to as many youngsters as possible to compete for the club ) and hosting and running the Ayrshire Champs as well as Open Graded Meeting .We need people to come foward and complete these courses , because as stated above if we CANNOT PROVIDE OFFICIALS THEN THE KIDS WILL NOT GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO COMPETE. Please note that the club will pay the cost of the course. Please enter your name in the events book in registration or if easier post on the harriers facebook page