Notice of 2020 AGM

As required by the Club constitution, notice is hereby provided of the Annual General Meeting which will be held on Friday 12 June 2020 at 7.00pm.  All current club members are entitled to participate and vote in the AGM, but those junior members under 17 years of age must vote through their parent or carer.

As indicated in an earlier notice, the present regulations in association with COVID19 prevent us holding a conventional AGM.  The Trustees have therefore decided that it will take place using electronic conferencing.  A further notice will be published in early course of how you can join the AGM.

The format of the AGM will be in 3 phases:

1.       Publication of the minutes of the last AGM, the Chair’s Report and the Treasurer’s report through the web-site. See links to these documents below

AGM Agenda

2019 AGM Minutes

Chair’s report

Treasurers Report

2.       The AGM “Question and Answer” session on Friday 12 June 2020 at 7.00 pm conducted according to the agenda, published above.

3.       Participation in an electronic voting exercise immediately following the “Question and Answer” session.

The procedure of the AGM and voting will be explained further during the “Question and Answer” session.

If anyone wishes to be considered for election as a Trustee it would be helpful, but not essential, to notify  the Trustees by email to before 12 June 2020.

The Trustees recognise that this is an unusual development, which is related solely to the current COVID19 situation.  The intention is to go back to the usual arrangements for next year’s AGM.  The AGM is a very important event in the life of the Club and, despite the unusual circumstances, you are fully encouraged to participate by both reading the published annual reports and joining the “Question and Answer” session on 12 June 2020.  Look out for instructions on how you can join the meeting.

Trustees Kilmarnock Harrier and Athletic Club,  10 May 2020
