Next Quarterly Awards – Nomination time again!!


Volunteer Award – Big Thank You
Nominations for any Volunteer (including Officials and Coaches) that goes over and above in supporting the Club’s activities.’

Athlete Award – Harriers Hero
‘Nominations will be based on any athlete who has made a significant achievement in the last quarter. This may be through representation, achievement, participation and/or improvement.’ Any member from any night, no matter their ability is eligible regardless of their skill/achievements as long as they meet one (or some) of the critera(s).

Anyone wishing to nominate a Kilmarnock Harrier can send an email to for Volunteer or for Athlete Award.

In your email please provide name of nominee and a description of why they deserve this nomination. The description can be brief but the more detail you can provide, the better.

Winners will be chosen by a selection committee. All award nominees will also be automatically considered for main annual Club awards.
So, get your thinking caps on and your nominations in. Nominations for the period covering June to August (inclusive). Any prior nominations can be nominated again if you feel that they deserve it over the Jun – Aug period.
Please nominate anyone that you feel is worthy. All nominations from all Season awards will also be considered for the 2019 awards (Hugh’s Cup, Ferguson Trophy and Volunteer of the Year awards) respectively.
