There has been progress made with regard to ensuring that pole vault training can continue throughout the winter season. After a period of gentle persuasion staff at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena has kindly agreed that the pole vault mats can be left in the indoor hall permanently.
This is exciting news as we are now able to continue with our excellent progress to introduce pole vault to our youngsters, in particular with the view of preparation for the next next indoor championships and slightly further ahead to next season’s Youth Development League. Despite our limited experience Kilmarnock Harries did quite well in their first pole vault season, wining medals at West District (Cara Baillie), Youth Development league (Cara Baillie, Callum Meldrum and Lee McLevy both from Ayr Seaforth) and of course our first national champion in the U14 age group (Evie Bartl).
In April this year we had started with modest drills in the sand pit before moving outdoors and through perseverance and dedication we were able to demonstrate that even an event such as the pole can be mastered within a reasonable time. (we are talking about the very basics though). A months later our athletes were already competing at Grangemouth.
With a view of introducing new athletes to this event we are interested in hearing from any young or not so young Harrier who is keen to learn the pole vault event . There is no previous experience required but athletes should be at least 12 years old (1st year U15) and have an interest in jumps; after all the pole vault is a jumping event (In German p0le vaulting means ‘Stab Hoch Sprung’, which is literally translated as jumping high with a pole). Last not least the whole event is less scary as people think and if a 54 year old can master some of the basics then I am pretty sure that is will be much easier for our youngsters.
Here is an exciting example of what athleticism pole vaulters possess and what an advanced, good executed pole vault jump looks like, watch the following video clip. enjoy and be inspired to be become the next pole vaulter for Kilmarnock Harriers !