New PBs for three Harriers in 60m sprint and shot put event at Ravenscraig

Three young Harriers competed at the second  Open Graded Meeting at  Ravenscraig Indoor Arena, Motherwell. 11 year old Robert Brady, U13, started of his evening with a fine 100m race clocking 14.41. Robert also competed in the long jump (2.33m) but was unfortunate with two fouls in the long jump despite a good distance of around 4m. Robert later run an excellent 60m race achieving a new PB crossing the finishing line in 9.17.

Evie Bartl, run also a new PB in the 60m winning her heat with 9.21 and Cara Baillie run her first 60m race clocking 9.44, finishing second in her heat.

Both girls had then to compete simultaneously in the high jump and shot put and despite the fact that both jumped well below their own PBs (Cara 1.30m and Evie 1.20m) The multi-eventers made it up in the shot put event, with two smashing  new PBs. Cara had an excellent throwing sequence with all throws well over 7m (7.20m, 7.48m, 7.53m) while Evie reached for the first time over the 8m barrier, with a fine throw of 8.18m.

The girls were well pleased with their results and confident in the knowledge that this had been an excellent  dress rehearsal for the upcoming national age group championships at the weekend in Glasgow.
