National Pentathlon proved to be an emotional Roller Coaster for our young Harriers

Evie podium 2ndSophie Rowan and Evie Bartl competed in the National U14 outdoor Pentathlon at Grangemouth Stadium under ideal summer conditions. This was Sophie’s first adventure with the pentathlon whereas Evie had already gained valuable experience last year and by winning this year’s indoor pentathlon. Going into the event as one the favorites can have its own problems, as it can put the athlete under additional pressure and high expectations to deliver a similar good performance. The combined events itself can be a tricky event as failure in one event can jeopardize the overall success and this almost proved to be the case twice for 12 year old Evie.

Evie got off to a very shaky start in the high jump, struggling to clear her opening height of 1.22m, a height she can usually jump with a 3 stride approach and scissor kick. Fortunately she cleared this height in her third attempt as failure would have meant 0 points and surely her challenge for a medal would have been all over. Both Harriers jumped well under par, with Sophie (1.35m PB) clearing only 1.25m (359p) and Evie (1.40m PB) jumping only 1.28 (389p), loosing around 100p what she was expected to jump.

The 75m hurdles proved to be the strongest event for both Harriers and Evie’s turning point as she won her heat comfortably in an excellent new PB of 12.10 (663p), knocking off more than 4 tenth of second (previous PB 12.56) and the second fastest of the competition. Sophie, who had never done a 75m hurdle race can be very pleased with her time of 13.98 (480p) and there is grounds for optimism that Sophie’s hurdling time will next year be well under 13 seconds. Evie’s new PB in the hurdle means that she has now the second fastest hurdle time for her age group in Scotland and this might give her a real chance for a medal at next month’s National Age group championships in this individual event.

After the first two events Evie had moved up from 7th position to 4th place and after a short lunch break the youngsters went on to the third event, the long jump were both Harriers did quite well. Evie jumping 4.42m (408p) for second best jump overall and Sophie 3.87m (248p), not that far off her PB of 3.86m.

sophie shotHaving completed the two jump events and one sprint event both then moved on to the throwing event – shot put, where both athletes were hoping to improve on their placing. Sophie Rowan was pleased with a throw of 6.20m (284p), equaling her PB. It proved to be another thriller for Evie, who comfortably threw between 9 and 10m with her warm up throw but had a disastrous start with 2 no throws (out of sector) and faced again a zero point event. She had to make certain that her last throw was a valid throw and a decent distance too and she kept her nerves putting the 2.72 kg metal

Evie after having thrown 9.30m

Evie after having thrown 9.30m

ball out to 9.30m (484p), which was 1.6m further than the second best throw. Although again well under par this throw was still good enough to move her up and Evie found herself in second place prior to going into the last event – the 800m, 45

points behind the leader.

Having recently run a new PB of 2.49, Evie knew that she had to beat the leader by about 4-5 seconds in order to challenge for gold. The 800m started well and it looked like Evie was on course to meet this challenge with a split time of 35s for the first 200m, establishing a comfortable lead after the first 300m and was still able to maintain a good lead coming into the home straight. However, the leader than made up ground and out sprinted Evie in the last 80 meters, Evie’s time of 2.51 (451p) meant that she had to settle for silver with a total score of 2395p.


Sophie finishing 800m in new PB 2.56

Sophie finishing 800m in new PB 2.56

Sophie Rowan showed strength and determination in her 800m heat being in 4th place throughout her race and finishing fast for a new PB of 2.56s (398p), which gave her a total score of 1769p, placing her in 13th position overall. As this was Sophie’s first Pentathlon and she will be eligible compete again in this age group next year, Sophie can be very pleased with her total score, which actually beats Evie’s score from 2012 by 89p.

All in all a very good experience for both youngsters, who have showed great stamina, composure and determination at this National Event. Although, for me as a coach, I would rather prefer a less emotional roller coaster and I am sure if I didn’t already have grey hair, the tension of this competition would have given me a few more.
