National Indoor 4 X 200 Meter Relay Championships

A busy day of competition for the athletes of Kilmarnock Harriers however this piece is covering the National Indoor 4 X 200m Relay Championships being held at the Emirates Indoor Arena.  were teams competing in all age groups from Under 13 through to Under 20/Senior. 

Three teams made the finals in their respective age groups the Under 15 Boys, Under 17 Men and the Under 20/Senior Men.

The under 20/seniors were competing in an extremely high standard final and for the first time in years did not come away with a medal however they ran a splendid race to come in fifth place with less than two seconds separating the field. 

In the Under 17 men’s event their was a spirited effort once again with the guys right in amongst the action enjoy their race finishing in 6th place.

The clubs top placed team on the day however was the Under 15 Boys. The team of Josh Smith, Jack Edwards, club stalwart Aidyn McMahon and Ethan Logan. They ran a great heat finishing in second place qualifying them for the final. They

continued their excellent form into the final. 

Josh and Jack had fantastic first and second legs giving Aidyn and Ethan a fantastic opportunity to grasp a medal for the team. That is just what they did, both running out of their skin to hold onto the Silver Medal position. However the biggest bonus of the day was seeing the smiles on all the athletes faces. They had a ball and that is what it is really about.

A huge thank you to all the athletes, parents, coaches, officials and helpers who make these events happen and such an enjoyable experience.

The teams were:

Under 13  Girls Katy Dudgeon, Sarah Marshall, Darcy Dalziel Isla Raeburn Boys Roan Henderson, Robbie Sanderson, Charlie Gaskin and Johnathon Downey

Under 15 Girls Courtney Goodwin, Ava Heron, Hannah Burn and Mirren Callaghan Boys Josh Smith, Jack Edwards, Aidyn McMahon and Ethan Logan

Under 17 Women Emily Lawton, Emma Wilson, Caitlin Kelly (u15) and Erin Pastulovic Men Kudzai Tapatapa, Joe Aiwansoba, Sam Kennedy and Michael Bargh

Under 20/Senior Men Fraser Angus, Scott Young, Kyle Jackson and Cameron Wilson.
