Membership Fees & Honorary Membership

At the AGM on Friday it was agreed that Club membership fees would remain at existing levels.  For those members paying fees annually you will shortly receive an e mail in relation to payment of these fees which we will look to collect around 1st June.  A reminder of membership fees is below.

The AGM also supported a proposal that Kate Todd be awarded Honorary Membership of the Club.  After 3 years Kate stood down from position of Chairperson, with Amanda Bryden succeeding Kate and Colin Glencorse becoming vice chair.

Kate is well known throughout the club, having been an active and highly successful member for many years and the award of Honorary membership is well deserved recognition and appreciation.

Membership Fees – 2021/22

Junior – 1 Child (11 and under)  £           14  Nil
Junior -1 Child (U17)  £           16  Nil
Junior -2 Child (U17)  £           25  Nil
Senior – Full Use £            16  Nil
Senior Road Running £             7 £75
Senior (Concessionary) Road Running £             5 £50
Family (5 person/max 2 adults) £           28  Nil
Disability £             8  Nil
Non-resident Membership £             5 Nil
Coach Membership Nil Nil
Volunteer Membership Nil Nil
Associate/2nd Claim Nil  £           25


