Membership Fees agreed

At last weeks AGM the Club fees were agreed.  Details are on the attachment.  Key points to note:

  • Your annual membership fee will be requested by e mail via the Club’s membership database web portal.  Paysubs Online.  You should receive this over the next 7-10 days. Payment is due by 1st June. If you’ve not received an e mail by the end of April please contact, or speak to the registration team.
  • Nightly attendance fee is increased to £2 per night, or £12 per month if paid monthly, with effect from 1st May.
  • If you pay attendance fees on a monthly basis direct to the Club bank account please note that the bank account details have changed as a consequence of our conversion to a SCIO.  Details are also on the attachment.

Membership fees 2016~17 – AGM approved


