London Marathon 2017 – Club place(s) available

The Club have been allocated 2 places for the 2017 London Marathon which can be made available to paid senior Club members.

In accordance with our recent protocol, first option on these places goes to the winners of the 2016 Mens and Womens summer road championship as recognition for their participation and success in the Club championship.  Kirsteen has decided to forego the opportunity.  Connell is looking to run but is hopeful of obtaining a Championship place in the race, but won’t find out til later in November.

So we have at least one entry available to other Club members, perhaps two.

If you are interested in going into our own “ballot” for the place(s) please let me know by Saturday 12th November.  We’ll make the draw on Sunday 13th November at the Kilmarnock Cross Country.

As before priority in the Kilmarnock ballot will be given to anyone who applied to the general ballot for a London marathon place but was unsuccessful, so if you fall into that category let me know when submitting your interest.



