London Marathon 2014 – Club places

This year the club have been allocated 3 places in the 2014 London Marathon.

Our agreed process for offering these places to club members is in the following sequence:

1. The male and female member who have participated in the most number of events in the summer road championship.

2. Any member who has entered the London Marathon ballot and been unsuccessful,

3. Any other member interested in taking one of the places.


This year Stewart Ferguson and Janice Millar qualified as the members taking part in most events (and also coincidentally being champions).  After his recent Berlin exploits Stewart has decided not to take up the option of a place at London, whilst Janice is thinking about it.

So there are at least two places available for other club members to fill.

If you are interested in one of these places please let me know by 31st October.  When names are known we will, if necessary, hold a draw to allocate the places.


