Latest Update on Return to Training

As we adapt to the ever changing situation with the restrictions for non-contact sports, the club have received an update from scottishathletics.

There are a few changes form the previous update:

  • Young athletes 17 years and younger can travel out with their local authority area for organised sport.
  • Members under 11 years can train in bubbles, maximum of 30, ratios of 1:8
  • Members 12 years + can train in bubbles, maximum of 15, ratios 1:10
  • Members 12 years + must physically distance AT ALL TIMES
  • Adults CANNOT TRAVEL out with their local authority to participate in organised sport

The key changes to restrictions pre this lockdown are in bold. The club cannot stress how important it is that all members physically distance at all times whilst at the club and during training. This will include road running and off track training. This may be the hardest restriction for some groups, but the club will be looking at implementing a track management process for different groups.

Coaches will maintain a minimum of 2 metres from all athletes at all times.

A final reminder that there will be no access to shelter on any night, please ensure that all athletes dress appropriately and when appropriate bring a change of clothes. No gathering in the arena store or in the small spectator stand on the home straight.

If you have any questions, please email

scottishathletics update:

Age 11 and under (Level 4)

  • Children aged 11 and under can take part in outdoor organised athletics training, group exercise and competition (internal only) within their usual club or facility environment.
  • An outdoor sporting ‘field of play bubble’ for children aged 11 and under can consist of up to 30 people, including coaches and officials, at any one time.
  • Children are not required to physically distance. Coaches and officials should maintain physical distancing where possible.
  • Where there are multiple bubbles operating at the same venue risk assessments must be completed to ensure there can be no mixing of participants before, during or after the activity.

Age 12+ (Level 4)

  • Those aged 12+ and over can take part in organised athletics training, group exercise and competition within their usual club or facility environment.
  • Group sizes of up to 15 people, including coaches and officials, are permitted at any one time.
  • Physical distancing should be maintained at all times.
  • Where there are multiple bubbles operating at the same venue risk assessments must be completed to ensure there can be no mixing of participants before, during or after the activity.


  • Children aged 17 years or under may travel into or out of a Level 4 area for organised athletics activity if that is where their club or activity normally takes place.
  • Adults (18+) should only travel locally (within their local authority area) to take part in organised sport or physical activity.
  • For informal exercise, people of all ages should only travel up to 5 miles from their local authority boundary.
  • Coaches and Jog leaders can travel across local authority boundaries to coach/lead. However, please remember to minimise travel where possible.