Latest Summer Champs Points

Sunday 1st July seen the latest in the road running summer championship race on Arran for the Shiskine Valley Half Marathon. Only a few Harriers made it over to race on the island in the high temperatures. For the ladies was Jacqui Sandler taking the full 15 points and for the men, first in was Matthew Dodds for the 15 points followed by Gordon Sandler. As this was also part of the Ayrshire Champs, well done to Matthew Dodds receiving first male v60.

Next race up in the Summer Champs is the Garscube Harriers Charlie Kilshaw 5 miler on Thursday 12th July. Last year seen a great turnout for Kilmarnock Harriers, so lets see the same again this year.

Latest Points Have been added:

Summer Championship Men 2018

Summer Championship Women 2018



