Kilmarnock Harriers contribute to a very successful meeting in the first match of the UK Youth Development League

Grangemouth Stadium was the venue of the first meeting of the new structured Youth Development League held on 5th May. The new league is now split between the lower (U13/U15) and upper age group (U17) and Kilmarnock Harriers compete as part of the composite team Ayrshire Harriers. Kilmarnock Harriers was well represented with 15 athletes within this composite team and achieved an excellent 2nd place just behind Edinburgh, beating many of the bigger Glasgow clubs like Giffnock North or Victoria Park. In the U13 age group 6 girls and 4 boys were competing in a variety of track & field events, were many new personal bests were recorded and Ayrshire Harries athletes won top places in A and B string. The results are as follows:
Boys U13 field: In the long jump Jamie Neilson 4.29m (PB) and David Stark 4.17 (PB), where among the top placers in A and B string, with Jamie unlucky that during his best attempt he fall slightly back with his hands, reducing his great jump by almost 20 cm. Jamie Kennedy threw the shot 4.87m for 4th place. David Stark run a also a PB in the 200m in 29.40 placing 4th and Aidan Hesset run a new PB in the 100m clocking 14.65 for 5th place. Both David and Aidan were also part of the 4x 100m relay team, which finished second place.
The U13 girls field events was represented by Kayleigh Duff, Eilidh Gardiner and Sophie Rowan. In the shot put both Harriers achieved excellent second places in their A/B strings, Kayleigh Duff threw a new PB with 6.01m and Eilidh Gardiner threw 5.73m. Sophie Rowan jumped 3.56m in the long jump for 3rd place in the B string. Sophie also run an excellent 70m hurdle race clocking 12.78 (PB) in the A string and Natalie Sharp finished 3rd in B string running 14.93. Our young promising sprinters Lauren Greig and Erin Connelly achieved both new PBs in the 75m, Lauren clocking 10.47 (2nd A) and Erin running 11.16 (4th B). Both were also part of the successful 4 x 100m relay team, which finished 3rd overall.
Evie Bartl, was Kilmarnock’s only representative in the U15 field events. Evie had a very successful day achieving 3 new PBs, wining the javelin with 23.57m, first in shot with 8.75m and second in the discus with 21.01m. Caitlin McClunie run a new PB in the 100m clocking 14.28 and was also part of the relay team, which achieved an excellent 2nd place. Olivia Cochrane and Lauren Park were competing in the middle distances, with Olivia running a good 800m in 2.41 and Lauren running 1500m in 6.02.
Cameron Wilson was the sole representative in the U15 boys team, running 100m in 12.64 for 4th place and helped the Ayrshire Harriers to win the 4x 100m relay team. Cameron also achieved a new PB in the javelin with 30.74m coming 4th.
There were also a number of U17 athletes competing at this event but no individual results available yet but Ayrshire Harriers finished second overall in the U17 age group. Kuda Tapatapa (100m/4x 100m relay) and Reed Wyper (4x 100m relay) were competing in the sprint events, Rona McGary (800m) and Ryan Crolla (1500m/long jump). Lorne Kerr and Caitlin White (100m/4x 100m relay) and Laura Duncan (200m/4x 100m)