Kilmarnock Harriers Autumn Time Trial 26th September 2023

Cross country season is nearly upon us, and it was decided that a time trial would be the ideal way to
help team managers with their selections as well as a great way to get athletes from different groups
to get to know each other ahead of the forthcoming relays. And so it came to pass that 39 athletes
stood on the line at the Kay Park on Tuesday the 26 th of September to take on 3 laps of the
traditional 1360 loop (approx. 4k). Despite some ominous rumbles of thunder, the weather held out
for the duration of the race and we were treated to some really good racing. An interesting battle
was played out at the sharp end of the race between Jonathon Downey (U20), Craig Ferguson (SM)
and Jamie Phillips (U20) with the lead changing on several occasions. However first round the corner
at the roundabout and first across the line was Jonathon in a time of 12:39.7. Craig Ferguson took
second in 12:49.6 and Jamie was third in 12:52.2. First back for the U17 men was Matthew
Monachello in 4 th place in a time of 13:30.0. For the ladies Lynsey O’Connor (SW) was first home and
8 th overall in 14:58, with Laura Haggarty (SW) next back in 11 th overall in 15:30.4. Sasha I’Anson
(U20) rounded off the top 3 for the ladies in 17:16.6 for 21 st overall. Eve Starritt was first U17 lady
home in 26 th overall (17:48.9) and our sole U15 competitor Rebecca McNulty was 35 th overall in
20:35.4. Full results are attached. Autumn TT results

It was great to see so many athletes turn out on the night especially with the weather through the
day being a bit dodgy, and the majority of the training groups were represented. Huge
congratulations to everyone who put their toe on the line and gave it a go, even those not planning
to race XC now have a great marker for the start of winter training. We would hope to have more
timed events like this over the winter, look out for announcements on social media!
Finally, these events cannot happen without the volunteers who stand out in whatever weather is
thrown at them to marshal/timekeep etc so a huge thank you to everyone who came and helped on
the night – many hands make light work! It was also brilliant to see so many coaches, parents and
other club members out on the course supporting the athletes – it really does make all the
difference when you’re running.

Make sure to sign up for National and Ayrshire relays (National deadline is next Tuesday the 3 rd
October and we will be sorting Ayrshires immediately after National entries are complete). XC 2023
– let’s be having you!
