Kilmarnock Harriers AGM – 26th April 2019

The Annual General Meeting of Kilmarnock Harriers will be held on Friday 26th April, 7pm at the Park Hotel, Kilmarnock.  All members, parents, coaches and volunteers are encouraged and welcome to attend.

The meeting agenda and supplementary information is attached.

2019 AGM Agenda

As usual the meeting will include the setting of membership fees for the year ahead and you will notice from the Agenda that an increase of approx £2 per month is proposed.

All trustees and committee member positions are open for election.  The agenda lists the current office bearers with an indication of their willingness to stand for re-election. Regardless of existing office bearers being willing to continue all positions are open to anyone to stand for election at the AGM and we would encourage anyone to consider how they can contribute to the progression of the Club .  Many of the existing office bearers have been in post for many years and the Club will benefit from fresh ideas and energy which you may offer. If you wish to discuss this ahead of the meeting please speak with me or any of the Trustees or committee members.

The Club annual accounts for the year ended 28 Feb 2019 are now available here.Kilmarnock Harriers Annual Accounts SCIO to Feb 2019

Thank you.  See you on the 26th.

Alasdair Murray

