Kilmarnock Harrier Needs Your Support for the Indoor League!

Dear Athlete, Dear Parent (Guardian),

Kilmarnock Harriers has decided to enter teams (U11, U13, U15, U17) for the Scottish Athletics Indoor League (SAIL). There are three matches (December/January and February and a final in March for teams who qualify) although there are also relay races during the final where all clubs can enter teams regardless if they qualified or not.

This is an important step forward in our club development and we therefore ask athletes, coaches and parents to support this event. Coaches and volunteers put a lot of effort into the planning and preparation for this event in order to provide your child with the opportunity to compete in this league and we would therefore like to ask all parent/ athletes to do their part. The competition will start around 2pm but we would expect athletes and coaches to be in Glasgow no later than 12.45. Although the club intends to hire a bus, we might need to ask parents to assist with transport in case the numbers of athletes exceeds the available places on the bus.

The indoor league is a team event as all scores are counted in each age group, in order to qualify for the final. Therefore, we would like to emphasise that the club is expecting full commitment from athletes, who are selected. If you are selected and cannot attend you need to give plenty of notice, in order to arrange a replacement.

Kilmarnock will enter 4 teams per age group (2 boys/2 girls) and although we aim to give as many athletes the opportunity to participate in theses league meetings, there are only limited places available for the various events. In case there are more athletes than available events, priority will then be given to athletes whose parents or associated coaches support the event. Part of the commitment to compete in this league is the duty of the club to provide assistance to run this event. Therefore, we would like to ask parents to volunteer and assist during this event, no previous knowledge required. This is especially important with regard to providing supervision to our younger athletes (U11/U13) to ensure their safety and welfare.

Athletes name:________________SA number:_________________ Age Group: (please circle)U11     U13    U15   U17 I can confirm my child’s attendance at this event I am able to assist at this event
yes No yes No
1st SAIL match 14th December 2014
2nd SAIL match 4th January 2015
3rd SAIL match 8th February 2015
Final (if qualified) March 2015


I parent (guardian) _______________ allow my child to participate in the above event. Please provide contact number ________________ and give details of any medical condition_________________________________________________

I am able to help out at this event as a helper/official (does not require formal qualification)   Yes          No

If you have any further question about this event please speak to your coach or Harald Bartl (07463 935 955).


this form can be downloaded here
