Killie Harriers Ben Nevis Heroes

One of the country’s best known hill races was held on Saturday 5th September, the Ben Nevis Hill race.  Starting in Fort William the 9 mile route follows the tourist path to the 4,400ft summit (reached by race winner Finlay Wild in 60 mins!).  By all accounts weather conditions were good, indeed unusually warm.

The Harriers were well represented in this pre entry only event.  2014 Hill champion Colin Glencorse finished in 68th place just outside the elusive 2hr mark, in 2.02. Colin was soon followed by 2015 hill championship leader Charles Lines in 76th place and 2.03.33.  David White closing in on his 21st consecutive Ben race came in in 155th place and 2.15.09, with Roddy Pugh completing the Killie contingent in 2.25.20 and 234th place.   There were 486 finishers .

The race was won, for the 6th consecutive time by Finlay Wild in 1.30.56, so less than 31mins to descend the highest hill in the UK.
