Another busy weekend for the young Harriers at 2 venues As the Emirates Arena hosted the Scottish Athletics 4 x 200m National Relays Champs The club had 6 teams entered across the age groups First up was the Under 20/ Seniors men who after a brilliant victory in there heat qualified for the final later that day. Despite uping there game they narrowly missed out on a medal by the smallest possible margin ONE Hundredth of a second The Under20/ Senior women’s team ran brilliantly and were unlucky not to make the final.
In our younger age groups 2 teams qualified for the finals Under13 Girls ( As fastesr qualifers ) and Under 17 Boys finals are on Sunday 13th February. Our 2 other teams Under 15 and 17 girls both ran really well

Also at the Emirates we had 4 athletes competing in the National Combined Events Champs all 4 posted numerous PB s and recorded high overall finishes in highly competitive fields including a number of athletes from England

Elsewhere at Rozelle in Ayr our youngest athletes ran at the Ayrshire Clubs Under 11 s Cross Country where all ran brilliantly bringing home both individual and team medals and most importantly they all enjoyed the experience
