Update Javelin Scotland Workshop at Ayrshire Athletics Arena


Date – Sunday 10 March 2013.

Venue – Ayrshire Athletics Arena, Kilmarnock.

Time – 10am till 4pm


Calling all javelin coaches and athletes! There was a huge turnout the last time there was a workshop at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena and it would be great to have big numbers attending once again.

Could coaches planning to come along please let Robert Wilkie know how many athletes you intend to bring.

This Sunday’s workshop is for Under-13 athletes and upwards (a separate event is planned in future for younger ones).


It is preferred that coaches attend but if this is not possible then please forward details of names and age-groups of athletes in advance and their current or 2012 PB, please.

There will be a competition put on for latter part of the day at the workshop. Only those athletes that attend the workshop from start will be eligible for the planned competition.

The athletes will have to pay a competition fee which will help towards covering the travel costs of the officials etc. This fee will be based on normal Open Graded charges at present.

Please arrive for 9.45am and bring your own lunch.


Planned Format for the day. (This may alter slightly on the day due to numbers attending)

9:45 for 10am Start, Introductions, Register, etc

10:10am: Group Warm-up led by Robert.

10:30am: (each group at each station for 30 mins)

Group 1 – Carry, Running and Crossover Work.

Group 2 – Crossover Rhythm, Impulse Stride, Skill work.

Group 3 – Athletic Conditioning work with Medicine Balls.

Each group will be determined by the number of attending coaches. We want where possible all the athletes you currently work with to be in the same group regardless of abilities or age etc.

12pm: Lunch (30 mins)

12:30 – 12:45 Group warm-up and Skill Stations

Competition Throwing

15:45: round-up of the day and warm down for 16:00 close.

Discussion for date of Workshop No.4.


Any further info required or to register please email Robert Wilkie


