Jack Crawford 10k & New Club Captain!

The penultimate race in the Senior Winter Champ’s takes place on Saturday 10th March, the Jack Crawford 10k Springburn Cup. There are only 18 places left out of the 250 capacity, if anyone wants to take part in this popular race! Entry is £8 (£10 non saf), by Wed 7th March.

Entries for the final race of the Champs, the National Road Relays, in Livingston on Sunday 25th March, are being posted this week, for anyone else wanting entered for these, let club captains know asap.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to let everyone know, that after the final Winter Champs race, I’ll be handing over the roll of Women’s Club Captain to Amanda Bryden. Thanks to everyone who supported me in the job for the last 3yrs, I’m sure you’ll do the same for Amanda. Let’s see the usual big number’s of blue &white vests, at all the races over the summer season!
