Indoor Meeting – Match 2 at Emirates on Sunday 10 January

Indoor League match 2 on the 10 January at Emirates Arena, Glasgow.


Bus will leave the AAA at 12 noon and return at 1930. Permission slips will be handed out this week at the club. The club is aware that Monday and Wednesday night club athletes will not have a chance to train, for these athletes, Permission slips will be available to fill in on the day before going on to the bus or can be picked up on Tuesday and Thursday night. Athletes are reminded they must wear a club vest at this match and also have an in date Scottish Athletics number.

Anyone that is willing to drive to the Emirates in Sunday, could they let Lesley Anne or Suzanne know as we are short of spaces on the bus.

Team list below. If you have a question mark at the side of your name, Please confirm to Lesley Anne on 07787582107 your availability. Any athlete named below that can not make it now for any reason , please also let me know on the above number. If you have not confirmed by Tuesday night your place will be allocated to someone else.

The club is also still looking for

Under 11 boys D.O.B: between 31/8/2007 and 1/9/2005. 60m, 600m and Standing Long Jump

Under 17 mens D.O.B: between 1/9/1999 and 31/8/2001. 60m, 200m and 60m Hurdles

Under 20 mens D.O.B: between 1/1/1996 and 31/8/1999. 60m Hurdles, 400m, 800m and High Jump

Under 20 Women D.O.B: between 1/1/1996 and 31/8/1999. 60m Hurdles, High Jump and Shot Putt

Club team manager for the day is Suzanne Sharp. Thank you to the following parents who have said they can help and support Suzanne on the day. Manuela Barbour, Julie Duff, Alison Gardiner, Viv Lambert and Lorna Smith. However we are still looking for more helpers. Again please contact Lesley Anne on 07787582107 if you can help.

Officials: If you are available to officiate on the day and haven’t already said, please let Lesley Anne know by Tuesday night, thank you.


Joe Aiwansoba ?

Fraser Angus

Andrew Baird ?

Luke Baird

Gregor Blair

Taylor Cadwell

Jacob Duncan

Mason Duncan

Corin Henderson

Rowan Henderson

Aidan Hessett ?

Lewis Hill

Bruce Holden

Aiden Jenner ?

Ryan Littlejohn

Ethan Logan

Bailey McDerment

Brodie McGregor

Aidyn McMahon

Greg Milligan

Ally Mitchell

Logan Mitchell

Aaron Muir ?

Dean Murray

Tom Nichol ?

Jamie Nix

Kuda Tapatapa ?

Kudzai Tapatapa

Mark Young ?

Max Walton

Cameron Wilson ?



Sara Barbour

Eillidh Ballatyne

Suliven Blair

Alanis Brydon ?

Olivia Brydon

Abby Caldwell

Mhairi Chalmers

Iona Charles

Erin Connelly

Katy Dudgeon

Kayleigh Duff

Laura Duncan ?

Laura Fulton ?

Eilidh Gardiner

Courtney Goodwin

Lauren Greig

Hannah Henderson ?

Ava Heron

Caitlain Kelly

Lorne Kerr

Anna Lambert

Lottie Lambert

Sarah Marshall

Hildah Mtawali ?

Shona McBean

Caitlain McClounie ?

Leonie McCutcheon

Victoria McDowall

Catriona McLean

Mairi McLean

Emma McMillan

Isla Neilson

Emily Nix

Claire Orr

Emily O’shea

Erin Pastulovic

Isla Raeburn

Sophie Ross ?

Sophie Rowan

Natalie Sharp

Rachel Sinclair ?

Abbie Smith

Molly Sneddon ?

Tiana Stevenson




