Annual Accounts Independent Examiner – Volunteer required

In 2017 the Club converted to charity status, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).

One of the requirements of being a SCIO is that the Club’s annual accounts are subject to independent examination by someone unconnected with the management or admin of the Club and who is considered suitably experienced to conduct the examination.  Experience is considered relative to the complexity of the records maintained (which in my view are fairly simple), but ideally a qualified accountant.

We are therefore looking for a volunteer to undertake this task.  If you are, or you know someone who may be, willing to do so, please contact me and we can discuss what may be required and plan to make it as simple as possible.  The Club financial year end is 28th February and I’d be looking to complete the task by early April in time for our AGM on 20th April.

Our accounts were examined last year by a volunteer parent however they are not available to assist this year.  From my side it seemed to be a relatively straightforward task.

If we’re unable to source a volunteer then we will have no option but to pay for this requirement, incurring costs which could otherwise be spent on supporting the athletics activity of the Club.

Alasdair Murray


