Rather than chasing round looking for help , (We really have enough to do arranging the kids we have over 50 for this weekends YDL meeting ) So the plan is to list the forthcoming events for track season, and to open a page in the events book .Where helpers can place there name , it would be hoped that we would have enough volunteers so we can rotate the numbers, and spread the load as evenly as possible
Sunday 23rd April YDL KilmarnocK number required 8 U13 and above
Sunday 21st May YDL Grangemouth number required 8 U13 and above
Sunday 28th May CSSAL Dam Park Ayr number required 5 minimum U11and above
Tuesday 13th June evening meet KilmarnocK number TBA U11 and above
Sunday 18th June YDL KilmarnocK number required 8 U13 and above
Sunday 25th June CSSAL KilmarnocK number required 5 minimum U11 and above
Sunday 23rd July Ayrshire Champs KilmarnocK number required TBA U11and above
Sunday 06th August CSSAL Grangemouth number required 5 minimum U11 and above

As stated before if we do NOT provide the helpers /officials the kids best efforts will count for nothing as points in the leagues are deducted. Full support and help on the day will be available and the tasks are not daunting 
