Harriers Golf Day – 30th August

This year’s golf day will be at Ballochmyle Golf Club  on Friday 30th August with tee off times from 1.30 – 2pm. (be there for about 1pm for a roll and pint)
The package at Ballochmyle costs £30 for roll, round of golf and 2 course dinner which is great value.
Anyone who’s attended one of our golf days in the past will know it a great day out, with an extensive range of golfing abilities at the bottom end of the scale, so if you’ve not been before don’t feel you wont be good enough – its most unlikely!
We’ve got a few places still left and if you are interested in playing please let Mark Hamilton know with a £10 deposit, payable by 1st August. (mark_321@btinternet.com).  After this date if there are still places available these will be offered to friends.