Harriers bag the rubbish!

The Keep Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean is “running” through April and May and across the country many running clubs are supporting this with a PLOG – Picking Litter on the Go.

On Tuesday, around 30 Senior members met at the cycle track on Western Rd. This runs all the way to the Ayrshire coast and we PLOGed the section from Kilmarnock to Knockentiber.  Some were able to PLOG and mix their training with picking litter and for others it was a stroll around and about the start of the route, Western Rd, Munro Pl and Balmoral Rd.  Evidence would suggest that Strongbow is the rehydration drink of choice along the cycle track!

On Wednesday some of our Juniors and their coaches tackled the area around the Athletics Arena and Queens Drive.  Much of the debris recovered was from some of our fast food outlets along with a car radiator grill being the find of the night.

A great effort by Matt Dodds in arranging this community event for the club to support and a big thanks to all who participated.
