Harriers AGM 20th April – Agenda – Update

The AGM for Kilmarnock Harriers will be held on Friday 20th April at 7pm in the Park Hotel, Kilmarnock.

All members are encouraged to attend, hear how the Club has done in the last year and plans for the year ahead.

The agenda is attached along with some supplementary information.

Club annual accounts are also now added – see link below

As always a function of the AGM is that we need to elect Trustees and committee members.  These can come from any segment of the Club, including parents of members – indeed the Club will benefit from a wide representation of views and experience.  But please don’t let the fear of being nominated / elected discourage you from attending!.

As you may note from the agenda papers we have a vacancy in the position of Club Chair.  After two years in the role in which Eddie Tonner has provided great drive, direction and commitment to the developments and growth of the Club he’s taking a well earned break.   Please give consideration to your willingness, ability and availability to fill this position.  Eddie will be happy to discuss the role with any interested party.  

2018 AGM Agenda

Kilmarnock Harriers Annual Accounts SCIO to Feb 2018
