Great Scottish Run 2018

The weekend saw Glasgow come to a standstill for much of the time as thousands of runners and supporters converge on the City for the annual televised Great Scottish Run races.

Saturday was the Junior races and having been inspired by some fantastic running the following day, it was now time for the 10k and Half Marathon which saw months of training come to a head for many people.

First up was the shorter distance and having clocked a hugely impressive sub 32.30 at Hamilton the previous week, Richard Mair was a man in the shape of his life. This was backed up on Sunday as Richard surprised even himself as he came home in 6th place in a quality field and smashed his lifetime best in the process in a fantastic time of 31.45 for the quickest 10k by a Harrier in a number of years.

Huge mentions also go to Ken Monaghan who smashed his sub 40 minute target having joined the Club in recent months in order to try and get under this barrier.

Known times from Killie in the 10k were – Richard Mair 31.45, Ken Monaghan 39.19, Claire Orr 43.23, Paul Bonfanti 43.55, Kenneth Dudgeon 44.14, Ross Haswell 49.40, Geoff Robertson 52.33, Stephanie Jamieson 68.29

Straight after this the 13.1 mile half marathon and a number of Kilmarnock athletes lined up for this one.

First finisher for Kilmarnock was ultra running specialist David McLure who smashed his lifetime best in a top 100 position while Rhona O’Neill was to be first home in the Women’s stakes for the Club.

Lifetime bests were achieved amongst others by Amy Alexander, Dan Thomson and Alisdair Hood, while the spirit of the day was summed up as Viv Lambert completed the run by helping her friend who was running for a great charity.

Again, known Kilmarnock times were – David McClure 76.56, Dan Thomson 77.39, Connell Drummond 79.33, Jim Connelly 81.24, John Speirs 87.24, Mark Alexander 88.54, Drew Lambert 96.05, Matt Dodds 98.02, Calum O’Neil 1.46.50, Rhona O’Neill 1.46.59, Gail Henderson 1.50.04, David Townsley 1.50.54, Gerry Dodds 1.55.01, Alisdair Hood 1.58.19, Jacqui Sandler 2.00.35, Amy Alexander 2.02.32, Alex McGhee 2.05.50, Brian Keachie 2.10.55, Viv Lambert 2.24.08

Thanks Scott Martin for the race report
