East Ayrshire Sports Council Courses

The following courses have been confirmed to me this morning.

Monday 24th November 2014

Safeguarding and Protecting Children                               18.30 – 21.30

Zoe Nix                                               Janice Nix                                           Brian Campbell

Jack McConnell                                  Tracy Kerr                                           Hazel Shankland

Janice Millar                                        Caitlin Marshall                                   Claire Orr

Shona McBean

Monday 19th January 2015

A Guide to Mentoring Coaches                                           18.30 – 21.30

George Morton                                   James Young                                       Donald McIntosh

Harald Bartl                                        Colin King

Monday 9th February 2015

In Safe Hands                                                                        18.30 – 21.30

Margaret Chalmers

Monday 9th March 2015

Coaching Children and Young People                               18.30 – 21.30

Zoe Nix                                               Janice Nix                                           Jack McConnell

Claire Orr                                            Shona McBean                                    Renee Brown

Caitlin Marshall                                   Connell Drummond                            Guy Jenner

Jean Youden                                       Julie Lawrie                                         Steven Murray

Colin Glencorse                                  James Adams                                      Shannon Jamieson

Max Walton                                        Dougie Gordon                                   Emma Bone

Caitlin McMahon


If anyone is unable to manage a course for which they have been signed up, please inform me as soon as possible to allow me to arrange a reserve.  Reserves will be called upon in date order of when they gave me their names.  Repeat courses are being sought for all reserves at some time in 2015.


Safeguarding and Protecting Children Reserve List         18.30 – 21.30


Brian Campbell                                   Caitlin White                                       Guy Jenner

Colin Young                                       Alan Park


James Young                                       Scott Young                                        Julie Lawrie

Steven Murray                                                Colin Glencorse                                  James Adams


Renee Brown                                      Max Walton                                        Emma Bone

Dougie Gordon                                   Caitlin McMahon                                Chris Stewart

Dave Lawton                                      Shannon Jamieson


Andrea Fletcher

Coaching Children and Young People Reserve List         18.30 – 21.30

Chris Stewart                                      Andrea Fletcher                                  Dave Lawton

David Meikle                                      Colin Young
