Kilmarnock Harriers members were presented with awards at the annual East Ayrshire Sports awards night held at St Joseph’s Academy. Jean Youden, our coach, committee member and Scottish Athletics official was presented with the award Service to Sport. Jean has given her support to athletics and Kilmarnock Harriers in particular for over 25 years.
Hannah Bartl was awarded the Jim Higgins Youth Sports Personality of the Year for her great commitment to volunteering at Kilmarnock Harriers three times a week and combining her time as a young coach with her own athletics career by wining the Scottish Indoor gold 300m and bronze at the Scottish Schools.
Gillian Johnstone, Evie Bartl and Lauren Greig were granted the Developing Potential Award, East Ayrshire Council provides assistance under the Talented Athlete Support Fund which includes £200 award in calender year, free access to all leisure facilities including the Ayrshire Athletics Arena and the Galleon and free registration to East Ayrshire’s Sports Physiotherapy Clinic.
Well done to these young ladies, you made the club proud!