Dundonald 10k – Wednesday 08/08/2018

The Dundonald 10k was held on Wednesday evening earlier this week.  There were fourteen Harriers out on show for this hillier 10k route.  The weather conditions were good for running in.

There were a lot of excellent times at this race so well done to everyone who took part.  For the women the top three to finish were Jacqueline McConnell (47:25), Rhona O’Neill (49:57) and Viv Lambert (50:01).  For the men the top three to finish were David McLure (35:23), Connell Drummond (37:38) and David Moody (40:18).

David McLure finished the race 2nd overall so a big congratulations to him as it was an excellent time to achieve on a tougher than normal 10k.

The race results of all Kilmarnock Harriers who finished are as follows:

Position Name Time
2 David McLure 35:23:00
13 Connell Drummond 37:38:00
18 David Moody 40:18:00
22 Steven Robson 41:25:00
23 Paul Markac 41:31:00
36 Douglas Thorburn 45:01:00
38 Matthew Dodds 45:10:00
50 Ross Haswell 46:50:00
53 Paul Bonfanti 47:10:00
55 Jacqueline McConnell 47:25:00
66 Rhona O’Neill 49:57:00
67 Viv Lambert 50:01:00
76 John Speirs 50:46:00
128 Brian Keachie 58:44:00


The full results can be found in this link.

The Summer Championship 2018 table has now been updated for both the women and men for this race.  For the women Amanda Bryden and Rhona O’Neill retain their first and second place spots but Jacqueline McConnell has now moved into third place having gained top points for this race.  For the men Connell Drummond and Steven Robson retain their first and second place spots but David McLure has moved into third place also having gained top points for this race.  The links to the tables are below:

Summer Championship 2018-19 (Women)

Summer Championship 2018-19 (Men)

The next race is the Jim Young Marymass 10k on Wednesday 22/08/2018 in Irvine.  This is an excellent course for a 10k being reasonably flat and offers the potential for some great results.  The closing date for pre-entry is on Monday 20/08/2018.  I would highly recommend this course and online entry can be done by clicking here.  190 of a maximum possible 250 have signed up so far (at the time of writing) so I would recommend signing up soon to avoid disappointment.

Following this there is the North Ayrshire Athletics Club 10k in Saltcoats.  This is again an excellent course for a 10k (provided it is not overly windy like it was last year) as it is also reasonably flat so there is again the potential for some great results.  The closing date for pre-entry is on Sunday 19/08/2018 and there are already 366 entries (at the time of writing) so I would recommend signing up as soon as possible by clicking here to avoid disappointment if interested.

Once again a big well done to all the Harriers who came and took part in this race and a big thank you to all those who came in support of the runners as your support does make a difference.
