Dumfries Open Meeting a huge success for Kilmarnock Harriers

our successful junior section at Dumfries 21st April 2013

Results are now available at: click here

A big thumbs up to everyone, who contributed to the huge success at the Dumfries Open Meeting this Sunday (21st April). I personally have been attending meetings at Dumfries with my own girls for the last 5 years but this was something special. In the recent years usually a handful of Harriers ventured South to this early spring meeting at Dumfries and although the last 2 years saw a slight increase this was the first time that the club actually organised a bus to this event. A large group of the junior section of about 40 youngsters competed at this event and it proved to be a big success for all involved, parents, organizers, coaches and most of all the athletes. Among the large group were a few athletes who had never competed before. All athletes can be very proud of their achievements  with plenty of medals and PBs to show for. It is probably fair to say that Kilmarnock Harriers was the most successful club at this event not only in terms of participation but also in medals won. For me as a coach with an interest in track & field it was particularly encouraging to see so many youngster doing very well among the wide spectrum of track & field events, as we had medal winners in all offered field events: throws (javelin and shot) and jumps (high and long jump).

U13 hurdling 70m hurdling race had 5 Harriers

We also had medal winners in the hurdling event and many youngsters trying this event for the first time. Although I have been with Kilmarnock Harriers only for five years, I cannot recall any competition in previous years where Kilmarnock athletes were presented and actually competing so well in these wide range of events.

Laura Wilkie clearing 1.25m


Reflecting on this success, Kilmarnock Harriers can be very proud of the recent efforts to turn this club into a real athletics club doing now justice to our club name Kilmarnock Harriers  & Athletics Club. Lets hope the seeds are sown to develop athletes who show a real interests in the wide range of athletics events, which should benefit the club with regard to establishing itself as an athletics club that might be in the near future be able to join the other Scottish athletics clubs, which compete in various league meeting throughout the outdoor and indoor season.

Another very positive point worth mentioning is the fact that there was a good turnout from parents supporting their youngsters, which hopefully will help us to grow as a club. It was good to see a big number of parents taken such an active role in organizing and supporting the event and it seems that they all enjoyed themselves. Lets keep up the good work and don’t forget to put the date of the next Dumfries meeting scheduled for 15th September 2013 into your diary.

Harald, a very impressed coach…


