Scottish Veteran Harriers Road Relays

Kilmarnock Harrier - News & Events

On Sunday January 27th, Strathclyde Park hosts the annual Scottish Veteran Harriers Road Relay’s. A fantastic event, Kilmarnock have entered a few teams in recent years and hope to do so in 2013. Ladies are 3 Runners per team, Men are 4 to a Team, and all legs consist of a Lap of the Park which is a distance of approx 3.6 miles. Anyone (who must be 35 years of age and over, and a first claim member of Kilmarnock Harriers) wishing to run should see Scott Martin as soon as possible and definitely in advance of the 15th January deadline.

Cost is £9 per female team, and £12 per male team which equates to £3 per runner assuming all teams are filled.
