COVID-19 Club Update

Kilmarnock Harrier & Athletic Club

Coronavirus COVID-19 Update

22nd March 2020

Further to the update posted on Monday 16th March in relation to the cancellation of all organised club sessions, the board has met to assess the ever-changing situation in relation to the current Coronavirus crisis.

Kilmarnock Harriers will continue with the current situation, where there is no organised club activity for the foreseeable future. It is the intention of the board to issue monthly updates until such time as we can move to a position where athletic sessions can take place. It is likely that the club will not be able to start any delivery of club activity until the end of June at the earliest, depending on guidance given by the UK Government and NHS.

At this time the club would like to acknowledge the support and assistance provided by East Ayrshire Leisure. Their communication around the access to the AAA and removal of any fees for facility hire removes some financial pressures from the club.

The club will also suspend all member payments with immediate effect, until the club resumes activities. There is no need for members to do anything, the club have the facility to suspend all payments.

We would like to remind all members to be sensible about any training they are doing and take guidance from the NHS, particularly in relation to social distance whilst training with any group. This guidance can be found on the MyGov website.

If any member is self-isolating, in a high-risk group or needs any assistance, the club have a huge number of members, many of whom will be able to assist. Please feel free to use the clubs Facebook page, if you require assistance at this difficult time. We would encourage all members to volunteer their help in their local community, if fit and able.

This is an unprecedented situation we face and something that no one has experienced in their lifetime. The club is an integral part of the Kilmarnock sporting community and we know we have members who value the interactions that the club offer.

The club would encourage members to post on Facebook any innovative training or physical activity that they are taking part in. This can be training in the traditional way, but in a different location, or it may be completing a physical session in your home from a YouTube video.

Physical activity and fresh air have benefits beyond athletic performance. Whilst able and allowed, being outdoors in wide open spaces can be physically and mentally beneficial to people. Please do what you can to ensure your personal safety, health and wellbeing. Listen to the daily updates from the government, follow their guidance.

If you have any questions on the current situation, please email
