Cort ma Law Hill Race

Report by Mike Corson, our leading uphill runner
For the average runner, hills,  are an occasional Jim Young session in winter, or just something that gets in the way of a pb on a fast 10k course. For some it is the race itself! 
Wednesday evening saw three Harriers, Roddy Pugh, Alasdair Murray and Michael Corson head to the Campsie fells for another in the “bog and burn” hill race series. Cort ma Law was the hill to tackle with, as the series name suggests, an ample supply of green bogs to traverse and the odd burn to leap across as well as 1700ft of ascent in the 10k route.
As at Kilpatricks the week before Mike was leading the trio of Harriers up the first steep climb (which does include a fair amount of “hands on knee” walking) and along the to the first summit. Then the start of the boggy sections, when often the man in front glides across giving you a false sense of security as you follow in their footsteps, only for your foot to get sucked into the ground and your run comes to an abrubt halt as the bog clings on to it with all its might. The second summit reached after approx 6k Mike was still ahead but with the first downhill section this was soon to change as Alasdair and then Roddy passed a tentative Corson (runs downhill like a big jessie!) before a leap across a burn and then another stiff climb before the final 2k to the finish. With Alasdair suffering some cramping in a calf Roddy took to the front of our trio with Mike keeping in him in sight as Alasdair toiled on the uphill section. At the top of the climb there was another fence/stile to negotiate before a short section of easy running before the last death defying drop to the finish descending over 500ft in just 750m. At this stage Alasdair comes into his own as he fearlessly plummets down the hillside passing both his colleagues and disappearing into the distance and finishing in 59.38. Roddy Pugh crossed the line in 60.10 with Michael slip-sliding Jessie style  down the final drop to finish in 61.03. 
All three runners acheived personal bests although Roddy should be singled out as he is the only runner to have done the race before, and only a few days after completeing Yetholm Hill Race!! A great result despite his advancing years! In fact looking round at our fellow competitors at the finish it would be fair to say that very few are spring chickens….ageing runners dont die, they just head to the hills it seems!! 
For some one hill race in a week is just not enough, as Roddy will be taking part in the Ennerdale Horseshoe race on Saturday…just 23miles and 7500ft of climbing. Good luck!