Club Vests & District / National Events

Club Vest (Front)
Club Vest (Front)

At last weekends West District Cross Country Relay the officials correctly required that all competitors wore their Club’s vest.

For some time many of our athletes have “got away” with running in their Club t shirt but it looks like the official ruling is now being more strictly applied.

With a number of District and National events coming up, both Cross Country and Indoor, if you haven’t already got a club vest and you want to participate we recommend you get one soon.  We have a small supply available in stock at £14.50 from size 28″ upwards and will order more soon (but there is a typical 4 week order period from the supplier).

Please place orders at the Club registration area.  Orders, stock permitting ,will be available for collection on the following  Wednesday.

Note we do not expect this requirement to be imposed at the Ayrshire XC Relays this weekend or the Kilmarnock XC on the 22nd November.

