A few of members of Kilmarnock Harriers are going to have a wee social get together so we have booked Franklin and Sloane on London Road for food on Saturday July 30th at 7pm. All are welcome to come along and it would be great if we could manage to have as many people as possible join us, and this especially includes parents, coaches, partners, volunteers, athletes etc as it is a great chance for everyone to get together for a few hours. Food is of course optional but I’ve booked provisionally for 20 people for a meal as it stands and will firm definite numbers up at the weekend.
What I would add is that currently we are close to that number of 20 people, so if you want to come along for the meal please let Paula, Ian Sloan, myself, or any of the usual suspects know ASAP and we’ll happily add you to our number when we confirm the booking.
If you DON’T want food then we would still love to see you on the night and we will of course be going for a few social refreshments afterwards. We do hope to see as many of you there as possible so please keep it in mind and also pass this info on to anyone you think may like a wee night out.
Thanks for now.
Scott ( scottruns@talktalk.net )