Club Award winners …… and open for nominations

The Club were delighted to present to the first winners of our newly introduced Harriers Hero and Big Thank You awards.

From a strong range of nominees the winners were:

Sara Barbour – Harriers Hero.  Sara improved her Pole Vault PB to 3.20m in the summer and was also selected for the schools international, Celtic Games and the UK school games.

Alan & Catherine McMahon – Big Thank You.  Alan & Catherine have supported the Club over a number of years and cover a range of volunteering activity from registration, clothing, event marshals and other things we’ve probably missed, but its rare a night or a week passes when we don’t see them turning their hand to something to support the Club at the AAA.


Volunteer Award – Big Thank You

Nominations for any Volunteer (including Officials and Coaches) that goes over and above in supporting the Club’s activities.’

Athlete Award – Harriers Hero

‘Nominations will be based on any athlete who has made a significant achievement in the last quarter. This may be through representation, achievement, participation and/or improvement.’

Anyone wishing to nominate a Kilmarnock Harrier can send an email to for Volunteer or for Athlete Award. In your email please provide name of nominee and a description of why they deserve this nomination. The description can be brief but the more detail you can provide, the better.

Winners will be chosen by a selection committee. All award nominees will also be automatically considered for main annual Club awards.

So, get your thinking caps on and your nominations in. Nominations for the period covering Sept – Nov must be in for no later than 20 Dec 2018.
