Hi All, hopefully each and every one of you had a great Christmas and Santa was good to you all.


Just a reminder that now the calander year is almost over you should now be checking to see how you have done in the Kilmarnock Harriers Club Standard scheme which we succesfully launched in 2014. If you have ran Gold Plus, Gold, Silver or Bronze times (as set out by clicking the Club Standards link on the Home Page of the website) over 3 different distances you should send to us the races you are claiming in order for them to be verified.


It should be noted that it is the member’s responsibility to claim and the deadline for this to be done is Sunday January 17th in order for us to get everything arranged prior the the Club Presentation Night when Awards will be presented. The simplest way for us to verify your results, is by sending a link to me at with the race results you are claiming, or your Power of 10 Page which will most likely have the results on them. The Courses must be accurate.


Thanks in advance – Scott.
