One of the things that most experts agree on to improve running is cross training and although the Club do have circuit training in place on a Monday night, it is fairly busy. As another option a few Seniors at Kilmarnock Harriers are going to start a circuit training session from 6-7pm on Friday evenings at the Arena. This will be aimed at Seniors.

The Ayrshire Athletics Arena is now booked for this Friday (21st April 2017) from 6-7pm and the session will start with a warm up, followed by some circuit training. This is structured, and for the first night will be led by Jim Young. Cost will be £1.50 initially to cover the cost of the hall for the hour we have it, although it is hoped that if it is supported on a regular basis that this cost will be reduced. We have booked the Hall for 6 weeks to see how things go, but would hope to continue as long as the circuit session gets regularly attended.

All are welcome although it should also be said that if you do plan on coming along it would help us greatly if you let us know beforehand as if too many people were to turn up annanounced it could get cramped. We have 1/4 of the Hall booked, however if there was a great demand there may be an option to take half the hall which would obviously be fantastic. There is no necessity to come along every week (although we hope you will?), but ideally we would hope people who do attend do so “fairly” regularly.

Please do come along if you feel as if you’d like to do so. A number of people do take Friday’s as their rest day from running and it’s early enough in the evening that it shouldn’t eat too much into your Friday evening, so why not give some cross training a go?

Thanks – Scott (07766880611)
