Christmas Handicap Update

Due to the popularity of particular start times on Saturday, to avoid traffic congestion I would like to suggest the following :-

Parents / coaches from Susan Ballantyne / Graham Cairns Group park at Craufurdland with a view to starting between 9.15 to 9.30.

Kenny Wales group park at Fenwick Bowling Green and jog the 1.2 miles to the start with a view to starting between 10.00 and 10.15

Jim / Colin’s performance group park at Fenwick Bowling Green and jog the 1.2 miles to the start with a view to starting between 10.15 and 10.30

Seniors running on their own / in pairs park at Craufurdland with a view to starting after 10.30 

Groups should aim to start in pairs every 30 seconds, fastest first. Keep right on road track sections

Can anyone planning to run after 11.00 on Sunday let me know (hoping to get the marshals home for the Killie game at 12.00)

NB: Fenwick Bowling club – if approaching Fenwick from the South take the first left after the right turn to The Lairds Table (Waterslap). There is sign at the end of the road for Langside B&B.

Course Map is here – Course Map

