_To give every member the opportunity we will be holding 3 Xmas Handicap races
Thursday 13th December 5km Seniors and older juniors
Monday 17th December Monday / Wednesday Juniors 2 Laps of Carron Ave Circuit
Tuesday 18th December Tuesday / Thursday Juniors 2 Laps of Carron Ave Circuit
All athletes can you please bring a wrapped gift Seniors approximate value £5 Juniors £3
Can all athletes please enter there details into the events book in registration by the following dates
For the 13th Tuesday 11th
For the 17th Wednesday 12th
For the 18th Tuesday 11th
This will give us time to work out the handicaps Any athlete not placing there name in the book ,will be given a CHALLENGING HANDICAP.
We will need to recruit volunteers to marshall and ensure the safety of the runners especially the youngsters
